A Dashboard is Worth 1000 Excel Sheets


Does this look familiar? The never-ending cycle of sharing, editing, saving, emailing, editing, resending, resaving, etc. of Excel files back and forth to teammates and bosses?

“Oh no…I didn’t cc everyone on my team!” — “Wait…did I send them the latest version, or the second latest version?”

🙌Enter #Salesforce Dashboards. How do I love them? Let me count the ways:

They are sharp looking
They are easy to manipulate
They are dynamic, not static
The data is solid, not some formulas I had to google at 2AM to get the report to my boss in time
My team can look at them anytime — in real time
I can automate emails to send dashboards to Executives that don’t like to get into Salesforce
Did I mention they look great?

It may be overstepping to say that Dashboards have changed my life – but they have reduced my stress level, increased my value to the organization, help me and my team be more productive and hit our targets, decreased confusion around reporting, and streamlined processes that used to take way too long and produced far too many errors!

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