Put the Cookies on the Bottom Shelf

One of the best lessons I learned early in my career was from an older man who said, “take the cookies and put them on the bottom shelf.” 🍪

This line has stuck with me for the past two decades and has shaped the way I teach and train people.

So, what does it mean to put the cookies on the bottom shelf?

Take the good stuff…the important stuff…the meaningful stuff…and make it accessible to everyone.

It’s one thing to learn complicated concepts, impressive industry jargon, and the newest technologies. It’s an entirely different thing, a very important thing, to be able to make those discoveries easy for end users to grasp, adopt, and embrace.

That’s why I love analogy. That’s why I make humorous Salesforce videos including my chickens.

Being able to take abstract concepts and put it on a level that anyone can understand is an important skill for a Business Analyst, and I think analogy has the power to help Salesforce professionals engage clients in a creative and simple way for learning that sticks.

Photo by Lena Mytchyk on Unsplash

#Salesforce #Learning #Teaching #Training #Ohana

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