Just Starting Out – Admin or Business Analyst?

Hi, Hey,

I’m Alexiss.

I’m fairly new to actually getting my hands dirty in trailhead and have saved the trailmixes for both Salesforce Administrator and Business Analyst.

I know that if you get certified before October 2022, you can a waiver for a 2nd certification.

It’s also my understanding that military get a waiver for one certification but I haven’t done the research on whether or not you get that 2nd waiver if you used a waiver for the 1st cert.

(Hoping that made sense)

Trying to get the most bang for my buck, I thought I might try to get my BA cert first because it looked like it required less time upfront to prepare for the certification then I was going to knock out my Admin cert.

So when Mike Wheeler announced his Salesforce BA prep on Udemy at a steal of a discount, I snatched it up.

And one of the first things the course tells you… is that the Admin certification is a prerequisite for the BA test.

Makes sense.  LOL.

  1. A linkedin influencer told me I didn’t need the admin cert first..whoops
  2. I didn’t realize that trailhead tells you prerequisites for the exams, so holla.

Now I know!

If you’re new, too, I hope I could help steer you in the right direction!


Also, while I’m trying to share helpful stuff, Udemy is having a huge sale so Mike Wheeler’s courses for Admin test prep and practice tests are both on sale – go snatch them up!


Thanks for reading and I hope you win the day!


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