One of the greatest things about being a parent is hearing the “Curiosity Questions” from your kids. They’re often “why” questions
❓Why do you have to stop at the light when it turns red?
❓Why do I have to go to bed at 8?
❓Why is the sky blue?
❓Why can’t I watch that show?
❓Why, why, why, why?
🎁WHAT – A – GIFT !!!!!🎁
Some of us never grow out of that.
🔥We grow up to be Salesforce Professionals.🔥
🎁The “Gift of Curiosity” is just that – it’s a gift. It almost always leads to well thought out processes that bring HUGE value to the companies we work for, even if it seems like we’re slowing things down a bit.
Stay curious, my friends!
Photo by Simone Secci from