Level Up Your LinkedIn

As a Salesforce Professional, LinkedIn is a critical networking tool. You can use LinkedIn to find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to succeed in your career. If you don’t have a LinkedIn Profile yet, let’s get you on your way.

In this free guide we help you understand the importance of LinkedIn, especially as it applies to a Salesforce career. Once you create your profile we walk you through how to hone it in with tips and tricks to make sure LinkedIn is working to help you start the career of your dreams.

{Make Your Move} Create your LinkedIn Profile and connect with 10 other people in your network today. Commit to making 10 connections everyday for a whole month and you will have a network of over 300 in no time!

Build Community


Your LinkedIn Profile is far more than a resume. It shows how you interact as a professional, what your interests are, what you post about, and how you respond to others. Take your LinkedIn Profile to the next level with friend of Talent Stacker and Salesforce Specialist, Chelyn Briand. Full Video Here with Chelyn!

{Make Your Move} Make sure there are 3 clear takeaways. When other’s look at your LinkedIn Profile there should be 3 very clear takeaways for them that you want them to know. Write down what 3 takeaways you want people to have when reviewing your LinkedIn. Consider asking others to view your profile and mention their 3 takeaways they have for you and if those align with what you’re aiming for.

Leveraging the Hidden Job Market

Akhilaa Das leveraged the “hidden job market” and her extensive community on LinkedIn to land a Salesforce consulting job in Canada. Using all of the tips from the LinkedIn Domination Guide – she perfected her brand and built a network that helped her land her role. Learn how she did it and what she is up to now!

{Make Your Move} Is there a specific company you are looking to work for? Start a conversation. Send a message to one of the company’s recruiters introducing yourself, what you like about their company, and what you are hoping to contribute in the future.

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