Introverts for Salesforce: Branding Is Not A Dirty Word. Branding Is You!

Hear me out! Introverts smell “Branding” and want to flee. But Branding – if done right – can reveal Who You Really Are.

No, you’re not a candy bar (although you are very sweet) or a Roomba (although you work well independently and cats love to ride on you). But branding is not only for products.

We need to reclaim it, change its connotation. A company creates a brand to say “I’m different, I’m better, I’m special.”

That’s exactly what you are: Different, Better, Special.

Smells of Cliché (a new scent, overly familiar yet so chillingly true). And some people use that thinking to excuse bad behavior (the theme of many a TikTok). I’m not talking about that.

Once you figure out who you are (as a working person), as I mentioned in my last article, then how you present yourself to the world – on your profile, every post or comment you make, how you describe yourself in interviews – emanates from that sense of self.

You say “There’s nothing special about me.” Or you have traits you think are weaknesses or are irrelevant, so you wipe them.

Like in my case, being an introvert. I’ve learned so much from Justin Dux (a genius) of Talent Stacker | Salesforce Career Development Program. If you tell him you don’t do small talk well but once you get to know people, you build really solid, close relationships, he’ll say lean into that. Those introvert traits are so valuable in a work situation.

Wha? Not that you should inflict your RBF (Resting Bitch Face) on someone interviewing you. There are limits. But Justin’s wisdom is a complete game changer.

So let’s pull back the shame and explore more weaknesses and irrelevancies next time.

Photo by davisuko on Unsplash

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