Strength (and Success) in Numbers: Why You Should Join a Study Group

If you’re considering joining a study group to help you reach your goals (such as becoming a Salesforce Certified Administrator), read on to learn what I discovered from my experience!

Why should I join a study group?

  1. Accountability. One of the greatest benefits to joining a study group is being held accountable to a timeline. Your group members are working hard to stay on pace so each meeting is effective, and you feel responsible to do the same.
  2. Perspective. Your group members bring their personalities, life experiences, study styles, and resources to the table. Be open and you will learn about things you didn’t even know you didn’t know about.
  3. Confidence. Everyone has questions and sometimes, you will be the one with the answers! Confirming you are retaining the right information gives you a boost to keep on going.
  4. Camaraderie. Had a rough week? Passed your exam? Either way, your group members are there for you, to commiserate about a tricky topic or to celebrate your success!
  5. Networking. Study group meetings are not all business. Take some time to ask silly questions or talk about your pets! You will develop bonds both socially and professionally that will enrich your life and your career success.

I’m an introvert/I don’t know enough/I don’t want to look stupid.

Is there an initial few minutes of awkwardness? Yes. But remember, everyone in your study group will have similar goals, and by human nature, similar fears. Most people are inherently kind and are one thousand times more likely to recognize your strengths instead of your self-perceived shortcomings.

But, maybe you just got really lucky with the world’s best study group!

My study group members are amazing, but I don’t think our group is an outlier. Join one or two groups and get a feel for the pace and study style. You can look for another group at any time. And don’t be afraid to create your own! Facilitating a study group might sound intimidating, but if you can provide a meeting link, a schedule, and a way to communicate (Slack is fabulous), you can do it!

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