Get to Ranger Status while waiting in line.

That’s right folks.  In your spare time you can charge right up that hill to Ranger Status with virtually no effort……….with some effort.  While eating your lunch you can grab all the badges your heart desires.  While sitting on your couch, standing in line or waiting to pick up your kids. Ranger status can be yours.

Am I being hyperbolic?  Yes
Am I oversimplifying things?  Kinda.
Am I talking to myself too much?  Probably.
Should I see some sort of professional about it?  Wouldn’t be a bad idea.

The thing is you have to do a lot of modules to get to Ranger status.  Much less 2x or 3x Ranger.  Heck I think I’ve seen 5x on here.  They are fun and you learn a lot but the main problem is anything with a playground requires a computer and every once in a while you’ve got some time on your hands when you’re not at home.  It’s not always convenient to lug a laptop around.  But you know what you do have on you most of the time?  Gum?  Well, yes but also your phone.  And for quizzes you just need a mobile device.

Luckily There are tons of modules that are just quizzes and you can learn about all sorts of things.

Want to learn about how to handle a ton of data coming into your org?
Large Data Volumes
How about Scrum?  That sounds interesting.
Scrum and Kanban at Salesforce
There’s a new Salesforce release. Maybe you should read up on what to do.
Salesforce Release Readiness Strategies
Maybe you’re interested in the environment.
Trees to Combat Climate Change
Or just bettering your physical well-being.
The Power of Movement

There are actually a ton of badges that don’t require a playground.  Search around for a topic and you’ll probably find something on it.  But if you don’t really know what topic you want to learn about and you’re just jonesing to get back on the trails I’ve linked a few trailmixes below that are just Badges with only quizzes.

Trailhead has a wealth of information.  You never know what you’ll learn.

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