Maybe you’re like me and you thought once you got your Salesforce Admin Cert that things would get easier. Not that it would be easy street but you’d have a clear simple path.
But the laundry list of things you need to get done keeps mounting up. Oh you didn’t hit Ranger status yet? Better get on that. Do you have more than 500 connections on LinkedIn? Figure out a whole new social media platform and get on that. What about a resume, is that done? No? You haven’t made one yet? What’s wrong with you? Watch these videos and read these articles on the best way to make one. While you’re at it watch these on building your own portfolio. You don’t have a portfolio yet? Figure that out. Also start thinking about making a video about your portfolio. How does your home office look, you’re gonna be on camera. There’s a zoom meeting tonight on something you’d find interesting. Go to that. Did you get your office set up yet? Did you reach out to any recruiters today? Research the companies you want to work for? Also what do you want to do next? Platform App builder? Business Analyst seems to be hot right now. Look at those trails. Walk the dog. Make dinner. Pick up the kids. Oh and don’t forget to AAAAAAaaaaagh!!!
Ok. Take a breath. It’s natural to feel this way. Just breathe. It’s going to be ok. Don’t beat yourself up. What’s important is to take care of yourself so allow yourself to have those feelings.
So what can you do when it all seems to be mounting up?
○ Take a step back. Take a break. I know there’s a lot to do but you’ll get to it. It’s important but you’re more important.
○ Exercise. Go to the gym or just take a walk. Whatever it is you do, work it into your day just so you can center yourself for a bit.
○ Clean it up. Oddly cleaning your workspace can have a calming effect on you. Take a few minutes and just tidy up a bit and it can help you see things differently.
○ Drink water. I can’t tell you the number of times that I was ‘in a mood’ as my wife would say and really I was just dehydrated.
○ Make a list. Write down what it is you want to accomplish. Think about what is and what isn’t important and what you need to do first. Write down what you’d like to get accomplished each day or week and stick to that..
What I want you to do is remember these feelings are temporary. Take care of yourself and remember the #ohana is here for you. We all feel that way. Even those superstars you’ve connected with that always seem to be posting something cool and new they’re doing. They feel this way. You don’t have to conquer the world today. It’ll be there when you’re ready.
Great article Steven, love it
You hit the nail on the head Steven! Feels like there’s always something more to do but we need to just stop sometimes too ☺️