Why I chose the Talent Stacker Program

Why I chose the Talent Stacker Program

Why choose the Talent Stacker Program?  Last August I was listening to my favorite podcast: Choose FI. I listened to the host’s mention of return on investment (ROI) and why it might be a good idea to try the Talent Stacker five-day challenge.

Although I have a college degree I had not worked in my field of study for some time. I have mostly been a stay-at-home mom and worked side jobs here and there and managed our rental houses. I am also a member of the Sandwich Generation ( Taking care of children and now aging parents.)

Often I have thought about going back to college and getting advanced degrees but I knew that really wasn’t going to be viable because of the time and expense.

I like many, still did not know what I wanted to be when I grow up!  Working remotely is a very attractive option to those that are moms and caregivers to elderly parents.

The Talent Stacker Program can help you stay on track. There is so much information and resources on Salesforce it is easy to get distracted. If you get overwhelmed easily and need a proven path then the Talent Stacker career development program might be a viable path for you to follow as well.

Since joining the program I have had nothing but positive feedback. I stayed focused and passed my Administrator Exam within the program. My questions are always answered promptly. The program is constantly growing and refining. Currently there are over 2600 members and growing. I know once I get into the workforce having a knowledgeable Ohana to reach out to for questions is invaluable.


To get started on the Talent Stacker 5-day challenge link here.


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